Finally......First Mid Term-I Exams are over............A great relief. During this one week, I am constantly pouring lot of energy and burning the mid-night oil in LRC to prepare for the exams. As a fundamental believer of the Law of Balances, I expect that all my efforts will not go in a vain. (Law of Balances - "In this world, everything is balanced. The amount of energy spent in any activity, will definitely generate its fruit in one way or the other"). And I assume that I will get my best fruits at the end of the day.
After the exams are finished, most of the students are gathered in the atrium and having discussions. Some are happy and some are disappointed. Some cracked all the questions and some made silly mistakes. Some are confident and some lost that. At the outset, Everybody's feelings & emotions are balanced.
At the end of the day, I know that everyone will be fitted under the 'bell curve' and some will be closer to the mean and some will stretch the curve outwards. Where will I stand, then? Let us wait and see.........And of course Grades are not to be disclosed.......So let me stand where ever I get place to stand.
Community is undergoing lot of mixed feelings. Exams tension, followed by the Spouses Party, then the nerve breaking Football series, wrapped by the tonnes of assignments to be cracked before the start of the week. But no worries....... Everything is a part of the game.
Who cares..........who win?
I still remember our beloved alums saying about the exams........"Once you finish your first two terms, you feel that exams are integral part of your study". Just like the things you do every day in a routine fashion, exams will also be written". Hmm……….Sounds correct……..After all.... they also travelled through the same experiences last year.
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